According to Public Health Ontario chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, various cancers and respiratory disease accounts for 79% of deaths in the province. As our population increase and the life expectancy rises so does the burden of chronic disease. This has a tremendous impact to our health care system.
In 2015 - 2020 Cancer Care Ontario (CCO) produced the Chronic Disease Prevention Strategy. This strategy identifies a comprehensive plan for the reduction in new cases of chronic disease by reducing the number of people with risk factors that can be modified. In 2020 - 2023 a second strategy for the prevention of chronic disease was produced. It incorporates work of Ontario Health and it builds on the previous accomplishments of 2015 - 2020.
Over the next 3 years this framework will help support Ontario Health in progress in it endeavor to prevention of chronic disease and improve health outcomes for the province of Ontario and its citizens.
There are four goals laid out in this framework strategy:

Goal 1: Work with partners to champion chronic disease prevention in Ontario
Goal 2: Promote chronic disease prevention policies and programs
Goal 3: Undertake primary, secondary and tertiary prevention
Goal 4: Inform chronic disease prevention through research, and population health assessment and surveillance
Some of the achievements from 2015 – 2020:
1. Transition from the guiac fecal occult blood test (gFOBT) to the fecal Immunochemical test (FIT) as the screening test to people at average risk of developing colorectal cancer.
2. Integrating smoking cessation programs inti regional cancer centres. As a result, more people with cancer are screened for tobacco use and offered help to quit smoking.
3. Leading the development of Occupational Disease Surveillance System. This system links provincial health databases with job information to support studies of occupational disease and inform prevention activities.
